SELECT * from ( SELECT npNbr AS id,npName AS title,price AS price,price1 AS price1,teacherId AS teacherId,( SELECT trainerName AS teacherTitle from lsinfo.dbo.Trainers AS trainer WHERE ID = train.teacherId ) AS teacherName,views AS views,trainType AS trainType,courseType AS courseType,yetai AS yetai,InsertDate AS createDate,isnull(logo,'images/img2.png') AS logo,npBeginDate AS npStartDate,npEndDate AS npEndDate,province AS province,npCity AS city,companyid AS companyId,'长期' AS startDate,'长期' AS endDate,'长期' AS ShortStartDate,'长期' AS ShortEndDate,'每日' AS startWeek,'每日' AS endWeek,unit AS unit,npDesc AS description,ROW_NUMBER() over (order by InsertDate desc) AS rowNum from lsinfo.dbo.train AS train WHERE npState = 1 and isnull(sets,'') like '%课程推荐%' ) AS list WHERE rowNum > 0 and rowNum <= 5 SELECT * from ( SELECT npNbr AS id,npName AS title,price AS price,price1 AS price1,teacherId AS teacherId,( SELECT trainerName AS teacherTitle from lsinfo.dbo.Trainers AS trainer WHERE ID = train.teacherId ) AS teacherName,views AS views,trainType AS trainType,courseType AS courseType,yetai AS yetai,InsertDate AS createDate,isnull(logo,'images/img2.png') AS logo,npBeginDate AS npStartDate,npEndDate AS npEndDate,province AS province,npCity AS city,companyid AS companyId,'长期' AS startDate,'长期' AS endDate,'长期' AS ShortStartDate,'长期' AS ShortEndDate,'每日' AS startWeek,'每日' AS endWeek,unit AS unit,ROW_NUMBER() over (order by abs(datediff(day,npBeginDate,getdate())) asc) AS rowNum from lsinfo.dbo.train AS train WHERE npState = 1 and (case when trainType like '%|4|%' then 1 else 0 end) = 1 and province like '%天津%' and (case when (courseType like '1|%' or courseType like '%|1|%' or courseType like '%|1') then 1 else 0 end) = 1 and (case when (yetai like '3|%' or yetai like '%|3|%' or yetai like '%|3') then 1 else 0 end) = 1 ) AS list WHERE rowNum > 450 and rowNum <= 465 联商网培训课程中心_培训中心_联商网
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